Heat Maps
Heat maps visually represent the density of a city’s energy demand using a spectrum of colors, enabling the identification of areas with higher demand. Moreover, these maps illustrate the thermal energy supply from waste heat generated by various industries.
If you’re interested in exploring potential project implementations in your city, we encourage you to explore the Heat Maps developed as part of the Energy Efficiency Public Good initiative titled “Development of tools for the promotion of the market for the sale of thermal energy through district energy networks” by EBP Chile. This initiative was financed by CORFO, with technical collaboration from the Ministry of Energy, and support from the Ministry of the Environment, Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning, the German cooperation GIZ, and AgenciaSE.
These maps were created using data available as of June 2019 and cover the cities of Rancagua, Talca, Chillán, Concepción, Temuco, Valdivia, Osorno, Puerto Montt, Coyhaique, Punta Arenas, and Puerto Williams.
Additionally, you can review the methodology used for preparing heat maps in Chile:
Rapid Assessment of District Heating Potential
The aim of this tool is to conduct a Rapid Assessment (RA) of the technical, economic, and environmental potential of a particular district heating project in Chile. If the assessment indicates feasibility, it can progress to a more detailed analysis, including a city-wide assessment and/or a prefeasibility study for the identified project. In this section, you will find the User Manual and the RA Tool.
Master Plans
This study was carried out by Aiguasol, for the global District Energy Initiative in Cities of UNEP (in Spanish).
Engineering Studies
Technical and economic evaluation of the implementation of the district energy project that will supply heating, domestic hot water and cooling to 13 public and private buildings of health, university and municipal services in the communes of Recoleta and Independencia, Metropolitan Region (in Spanish).
Technical and economic evaluation of the implementation of the district energy project that will supply heating, domestic hot water and cooling to apartments and a hospital in the city of Talca, Maule Region (in Spanish).
This study aims to carry out a prefeasibility analysis for the implementation of a district heating project in the city of Cochrane.
Rapid Assessments
This study was carried out by Aiguasol, for the global District Energy Initiative in Cities of UNEP.
Technical, economic and socio-environmental evaluation of the implementation of a district heating project that supplies the entire population of the city of Temuco (in Spanish).
Technical, economic and socio-environmental evaluation of the implementation of a district heating project that supplies the entire population of the city of Coyhaique (in Spanish).
Technical, economic and socio-environmental evaluation of the implementation of a district heating project that supplies the entire population of the city of Puerto Williams (in Spanish).
Study with a theoretical and practical framework regarding the characteristics, costs and benefits of a district energy project in Chile and the world, which allows for the analysis of the entry of this type of project into the National Public Investment System (in Spanish).
Advice, from a normative – regulatory point of view, for the development of district energy projects in Chile, with emphasis on the projects of the communes of Temuco, Coyhaique and Puerto Williams (in Spanish).
Roadmap for sustainable heating in Chile to 2050. Prepared by Aalborg University, Denmark, in collaboration with the Ministry of Energy for the UNEP global District Energy Initiative in Cities. You can also find a summary (in Spanish).
This study presents an energy diagnosis and technical and economic evaluation of alternatives for the execution of the district energy project in the Germán Becker Stadium and Park area in Temuco (in Spanish).
We invite you to download the District Energy Project Development Manual, developed within the framework of the Public Good of Energy Efficiency called: “Development of tools for the promotion of the market for the sale of thermal energy through district energy networks” by EBP Chile, financed by CORFO, with the technical collaboration of the Ministry of Energy, and the support of the Ministry of the Environment, Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning, the German cooperation GIZ and the Energy Sustainability Agency. The document delves into the basic concepts, benefits, practical examples, technologies, associated regulations, business models and the steps for the implementation of a district energy project. Use simple language so that it can be understood by the community in general, public services, the private sector or project developers (in Spanish).
Projects infographic
- Candela Project
- District Heating Project in Cochrane
- District Heating Project in Talca
- District Energy Project in Independencia
- District Energy Project in Recoleta and Independencia
- District Energy Project for Renca
- Ecoenergy Project
- District Energy Project in San Carlos de Purén
- District Geothermal Project in Manzanar
- Nueva Visión Project, Chillán
- Villa San Sebastián Project
- Pilot Plan for Hydrogen District Heating (HHO) in Osorno
- District Energy Plant for Puerto Williams
- District Heating Project in Chaitén
- Proyecto Recoleta e Independencia
- Proyecto Talca
- Proyecto Coyhaique